Saturday, May 2, 2009

Panty Flags

I was unprepared for the amount of panties I see everyday in China. I don't mind panties, I think they are quite cute, but I'm used to them being a private or semi-private thing. Not so here. It's one of the lovely paradoxes of China that this quite socially conservative culture displays its undergarments so freely. (It is also possible to buy panties on the street like you would a baseball hat or purse.) It's popular to say that in China there is no sense of privacy, but I didn't understand all the ways in which this concept manifests itself here. Publicly hanging up your underwear is one such way.

A bit of backstory: clothes dryers aren't used here, you have to hang your wash to dry. Most people choose outside drying and many apartments have special bars outside the windows on which to hang laundry. Those that don't have them make their own drying lines (pictured above). As a result, you constantly see cute, fancy panties hanging in windows and outside doorways. (And a lot of it is red, a lucky color here.) If I knew the whole world would be looking at my underwear, I'd make sure it was cute too! As a joke, we call them "panty flags" because they inadvertently announce where the people with cute underwear live.


  1. That is so funny and makes much more sense than Panty 'fangs'. :)
    I like the idea of air drying my clothes too...but I would keep my panties in the house!!!! Thanks for sharing.

  2. My mother must be chinese, she's been doing that for almost 40 years! LOL!

  3. Techno, your mom is awesome!

    Mindy, I have a drying rack in my house. :) Although I do hang up towels to dry outside, otherwise it takes days.

    BBS,Rebex, Binghams, glad you thought it was funny. I find it to be quite funny myself! I think it's just the contrast between how conservative life is here and this. We Westerners are quite spoiled with our laundry dryers, that's for sure.

  4. I've seen this on my Singapore friends blog as well...panties on the line. Funny! I love all the colors on the flag! ;)

  5. Scarlet, yes, they are all beautiful!

  6. Suddenly I have an idea for spy story that involves coded laundry messages :)

  7. This could be a good way to meet women----look at what kind of panties she wears and then decide if she's worth the effort
