Friday, May 15, 2009


The lady on the bus next to me is clipping her finger nails and they
are scattering all around me. This is brought to you via live bus news
from my cell phone. Perhaps i will make this a new blog feature!


  1. gag.
    do you have some sort of antibacterial liquid on you? yes? Ok, drink some, then wipe it all over yourself. gag.
    poor thing.

  2. You could've confined that to twitter my dear.

  3. Matt, I've tried that, but I can't get twitter to work with my cell phone. So, you're stuck with blog updates. Blogger > Twitter for China Mobile, I guess.

  4. I totally agree that is EW.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I took a look around and loved yours. How interesting to be living in China. I like the photos of your refrigerator.

  5. This happened to me on a bus ride from Calgary to Abbotsford (very long bus ride) and the lady in the seat ahead of me, across the aisle, did a whole grooming thing, toenails, nails, filing, flossing, eyebrow plucking. I was traumatized for the whole trip.

  6. Okay, I'm glad you guys agree. I thought maybe I was overreacting to the grossness of it. Yup, it was gross!

  7. That's just so wrong. What did she do next, shave her legs??
