Monday, June 8, 2009

Love in the Peace Corps, plus Manhattan Solstice

An interesting thing about the Peace Corps: a lot of people fall in love while serving. With each other. I didn't realize how many long-term relationships are formed between people serving in the Peace Corps, but I think it's pretty cool. After all, you're throwing a group of people together who probably have similar goals of helping others, who like adventure and traveling, and maybe even have similar life goals as far as work, schooling etc. It makes sense so many people would feel a strong connection. And you get to see them living life in action in a way you usually don't if you meet a guy in a bar, or wherever. You get a good feel for their character. I've been a poor judge of character in the past, blinded by whatever it is we get blinded by. But being here has helped me recover my discerning eye.

This picture was taken earlier this month on "Manhattan Solstice," the one day a year when the sun lines up with the Manhattan city blocks running east to west. Pretty cool! I love Manhattan, and NYC in general. Pretty much the only reason I'm considering applying to the Columbia/Peace Corps fellowship program at Columbia U. is the chance to live there for a bit. I could follow in my cousin's footsteps of living dirt poor in Washington Heights while going to Columbia, just like he wanted. Yay!

Photo Link


  1. What a beautiful picture. As for love in Peace Corp i guess another reason might be that people are more likely to let their guards down away from home. I know i am so much more approachable while on the road.

  2. AWESOME pic Becca!!!

    Perhaps you will find your true love whilst there?

  3. That is such an amazing photo!!!
    I can see how relationships would flourish in the peace corp, has this happened for YOU?????

  4. yrautca, good point. Living in a different culture can open you up to new things in a way living at home might not.

    Jenn, maybe! :) I'll keep you informed.

    BBS, so far just friendly affection and caring. 'Tis okay.
