Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Skate Mopping

I'm kind of a dork. Also, I'm lazy. I have fake hardwood floors in my apartment and windows don't seal shut here, so they get very dirty and dusty; it's dust bunny heaven in here, I'm constantly sweeping. Also, I spill things. I hate mopping because my arms and back get tired, so yesterday I thought, hey, my legs are the strongest muscles in my body, why not use my feet? So I tied the mop cloths around my shoes, secured them with rubber bands, and skate mopped the rest of my apartment. It worked great!  And for those of you who have kids, Tom Sawyer them into it! They'll love it.

Mops here don't wring out, they're just cloths on the end of poles, so I wasn't losing any funcationality doing it this way. I filled a large dishpan with soapy water and scooted it around the apartment with me. Like I said, I'm a dork. But like my dad always said, it isn't stupid if it works! I did my bathroom and kitchen on my hands and knees though, not enough room to skate.


  1. This is hillarious...and I like the way your Dad thinks.
    I have often thought of doing this with my dogs paws...for they follow me around anyway, why not clean too???

  2. oh my goodness. love it :) stopping by your blog through scattered starlight. i would clean the floors every day if i could swish around like that!!!

  3. I think I may have to get my kids to do this. Genius!!!

  4. LOL I used to joke that I was going to do this to my babies when they were in the crawling on their tummys phase. (I didn't) This is much better!

  5. You should patent those things.

    I want a pair, NOW!

  6. I've been known to do the same thing. We are kindred spirits. :)
