Monday, April 27, 2009

Is The Secret Ingredient Fairy Godmother Dust?

(See English text on the packaging):

Skincare in China = weight loss in America. A national obsession. Beauty masks like this one are very popular here and cost only around $.50 each. My favorites are infused with green tea, tea tree oil or red wine. And I hate to brag, but my skin looks like a baby's butt after I wear one. Here's what they look like out of the package:

Yes, you look like a burn victim while wearing it. It's worth it. You can't find diet foods here, but you can stick all kinds of things on your face. I'm now addicted to glowing skin. Also, I'm pretty and charming. Thanks, China!


  1. I would pay more than that for a face as soft as a baby's butt. :)

  2. This looks so cool (and a bit creepy). But that is great that you can detox like that. Do they make you drink some weird concoction like tea made out of beets? Hahaha :)

  3. That's actually really neat. And yeah, skincare, I had a woman from China that used to work for me, and she was always after me to know what I used on my face (ehm...soap and water + no sun????) I know why!

  4. Looks like a Jason mask. But for .50 who cares!

  5. ROTF! That looks scary-mary! But whatever works, eh?

  6. Honestly, I LOVE these beauty masks. I think my suitcase home will be full of them.

    I wonder what ingredients they have...I'm sure there is a reason they aren't sold in the West. Hopefully not cancerous!
