Monday, April 13, 2009

The Great Escape

Today I scrounged up the $40 it costs to get a personal VPN account to circumvent The Great Firewall. I can see the world again! My neighbor Andrew uses a service he recommended and helped me out. (He is awesome. I would not have survived here if it weren't for him. This is truth.) It took ten minutes. I should have done it months ago.

I liken the internet here to what the printing press was like for the Western world back in the 1500's: a tool that made a lot of people scared of what might happen if the common people get too much information. Our history gives me hope.

Chinglish T-Shirt of the Day: "Bastard of Eminence."


  1. Oh crap!

    I don't even remember writing that same suggestion on April 11...saw that when I scrolled down.

    Ah, consulting the calendar that was Saturday. Decided it was time for my bi-monthly systems reset. Had 2/3rds of a fifth of schnapps. Slept like a baby that night for first time in weeks :)

    Would also explain my faulty memory.

  2. Matt, I bet you don't remember the email you sent me, either. You mentioned the Schnapps in the email, though.

  3. Oh dear...

    All I can say is I woke at 7:30 Sunday morning without a hangover and feeling like I could take on the world.

    I had *no* problem with insomonia that night. Been doing well on my diet recently, but one of the side effects of having a much more reasonable intake of carbs and other food is I tend to get even more hyperactive and have even worse time sleeping.
