Today was our trip to the hot springs, about 45 minutes from my neighborhood, and it was really cool! I'm going to post small pics here, you can click on them for the full size version.

First, the scariest picture of me ever taken: Rebecca The Floating Head. I am in a pool with the water up to my jaw line, hence the creepy floating head illusion.
Here is a picture of the grounds at the hot springs. They have around 10 different "spa" pools, each one with a different theme: rosewater, tea, Chinese medicine, lavender, etc. Each pool smelled wonderful. There was even a red wine water pool, which is supposed to be very good for your skin. And reminded me I always wanted to take a red wine bath, but forgot about it. When I get back to the States (and a bathtub) I'll do it.
Another view of the grounds. Behind each circle wall is a spa pool. They were playing traditional soothing Chinese music over little hidden loudspeakers, it was very relaxing. The open air and view didn't hurt either.
My legs in a tea pool.

And last but not least, the fish pool! Yes, hundreds of little fish descend and eat your dead skin flakes. Exfoliation, basically, but done by little fish. You have to stay very, very still, like a statue, or they get scared away. I had to move a bit to take the picture, so this shot doesn't really do it justice: there were hundreds and hundreds of little fish. I stayed in the pool for about a half an hour. The little bites just tickled, so it felt like a tickle massage. It was a pretty interesting experience!
By the way, the entrance fee was about $8.00 USD. A pretty good deal.
that looked like lots of fun.
ReplyDeleteWow, I don't know if I could relax enough for it to be effective... So crazy. But GOOD FOR YOU for trying something so adventurous and different!! Love it.
ReplyDeleteMiss you.
Why is there a handle/handrail on the bottom of the bath in the first picture??
ReplyDeleteProbie, I am sitting up, resting at an incline, not laying flat on the bottom. The hot tub had built in incline beds.
ReplyDeleteMiss you too, Sher! It often gets me into trouble, as you know, haha. This was a harmless version.
Harold, it was very fun.
Yeah, the first picture looks a little creepy but, wow your skin looks great!
ReplyDeleteACK! Little fishes having some RFos supper! And why does the water look so...murky? I guess it's one of those times you don't want to ask. Glad you got some relaxation in though. And the floating head does look surreal. I'm sending you sunshine!