Thursday, May 22, 2008

Frosty and Fries

Not the healthiest lunch ever, but so delicious.


  1. OHHHHHHH I LOVE those, the frosty. I don't dip my fries in it .... ICK!!!!!! But to each their own!!

  2. Good Lord, I thought I had strange tastes...

    You know that's almost as bad a pickles and ice cream.

  3. Hm...somehow I've never learned to love this one. Must be something wrong with me.

  4. Jenn: I always get the small, and I always want the large. Love them too.

    Dal: let's have a weird off!

    Sarah: Chris Madrid's fries plain are even better than this. Oh, miss that place.

    Techno: trust me it is tasty anytime! I love the sweet/salty hot/cold combo. Try it!
